Successful Signing of Guangzhou Luzhong Delivery taobao agent system Project


In February 12, 2019, the Xinyu state science and Technology Co. Ltd. signed purchasing system project with Guangzhou Lu total success, all employees of State Science and technology Guangzhou Lu total successfully signed congratulations! Thank Guangzhou Lu total support and trust to our company.

Luzhong’s agent purchase system projects mainly face the European and American markets. From 2013 to 2018, the market share of E-commerce in Europe and the United States is also growing. The growth rate of E-commerce in Europe and the United States is faster than that of retail industry.

The Internet also stimulates businesses to take risks and invest in new products, processes and technologies. But even in the leading countries of e-commerce revolution such as Europe and the United States, the total e-commerce industry, including B2B and B2C, accounted for only 0.8% of the total GDP of Europe and the United States in 1999.

I wish Guangzhou Luzhong Delivery System project to proceed smoothly, the company’s scale expands, performance climbs, ambitious, all the best, thousands of miles of money.


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